Any H1 Maths Materials?
Hey Mr Koh,
I was wondering if you have notes for H1 Maths.
I've seen your H2 Maths notes and they appear extremely useful.
I'll be taking my H1 maths exam in about 100 days time.
Would be great if you have notes I can use.
Much appreciated,
Student X
Hi there,
Thank you for your enquiry. Unfortunately most of my stuff were written for the H2 math student in mind, and I don't really have time to pen anything these days due to my tight teaching schedule. I reckon the statistics notes will still be largely relevant to you on account the H2 stats syllabus is almost identical to that of the H1 stats syllabus save for the Poisson distribution bit.
You can also check out the free statistics revision question sets (with full solutions) which I have mounted on this site . Alternatively, should you prefer a tutorial-based feel approach, some of the materials hosted at my online maths store ( ) would cater to that. Should you have anything else in mind, feel free to reach out. Good luck for your upcoming examinations.
Best Regards,
Mr Koh